Himani is a collection including a series of iconic rugs produced in limited and numbered series. A combination of irregular shapes.

Frame: each rug is characterised by a series of contrasts: texture, three-dimensional elements, uneven surfaces matched with smooth ones, they are all interrupted by a series of organic lines, that give a note of contemporary. Glossy and matt effects, given by the contrast of vegetable silk and wool, react in a different way to light; thanks to light, the refinement of colour combinations in every section of the rugs can be subtly perceived. The different heights of the fleece (“shaggy” on purpose and meticulously hand-finished by expert craftsmen) are softened by more refined parts and complete every rug, adding a touch of elegance.

Upholstery: the Himani collection, carried out in Nepal, is hand-knotted and hand-sewn, using a mix of yarns: Ngari twisted wool, Himalaya wool, linen, Indian Sari silk, viscose. The rug is developed on 4 fleece heights that are hand-cut and hand-finished.
